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Hi There

I'm Miky. Mom of a lovely boy and wife to a wonderful man. Coffee aficionado and slow living enthusiast. Lover of all things neutral, baker and traveler. Dreaming of a life in a small cottage by the sea, gardening and sharing home cooked meals with friends. Currently living in the city and looking for inspiring ideas for a healthy and close to nature lifestyle.   

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That daily something

I decided that there is no such thing as being too busy for the things that make us smile. Because we really don't need that much to be happy. It's the small things that can change the perspective of your whole day. So here is my list of favorites. Some simple things that keep me inspired, that give me energy and that make me happy:

Morning rituals

I try to respect my morning rituals most of the times because they are so dear to my heart. Not jumping into work mode as soon as the day starts. Taking an hour just for myself (believe me, as a mom, that is the most precious "me" time), to make enjoy a hot coffee, play a poscats or listen to my favorite playlist, read a magazine and make the schedule for the day. I usually open the window to let the fresh air come in and just sit and relax my mind. Than once the boys are up, its time for cuddles and kisses, fresh orange juice (its a family addiction) and in some days even family breakfast.

Fresh flowers and scented canddles

I'm in a botanical phase of my life. I still cannot manage to keep all those plants in my pots alive, but at least I managed to keep the fresh flowers live longer than before. And that's a great achievement. Going to the farmers market in the morning is one of my favorite things to do. A basket with fresh vegs, croissants and fresh flowers can really make my day.

The scented canddles I usually associate them with colder days. When all the three of us gather in the kitchen to bake a pie or some biscuits, when we have homemade bread and butter for breakfast or lay on the couch watching a movie, with a huge blanket to keep us warm.

The power of a nicely packed lunch and a handwritten note

We are foodie family and the kitchen is the heart of our home. So when we don't eat together or at home, I always love to pack some healthy snacks in a nice way and also add a little note.

Me and Radu make breakfast for daddy and leave it on his office with a little post it on the laptop. Or I pack the snacks for a roadtrip in such a way that they turn into a real pop-up luch on the side of the road. Its amazing how you can create a cozy moments with some packed tortilla sandwiches, roasted almonds and hot coffee. This is a great gift idea as well: a basket full of home made treats for friends or family. And it doesn't have to be on a special occasion. That's the whole beauty of it. To offer someone a small gift on no special occasion.

An impromptu getaway

My amazing husband is "responsible" for this point on the list. He is the one always coming up with the idea of taking a break. Whether that means to have dinner out and forget all the things that need to be done around the house or to get into the car and drive away from the city. Just to clear our mind from all that's stressing it. Because there are some things that can really wait... the unfolded clothes, the dishes, the grocery shopping, the unanswered emails that are actually not so urgent. We need to bring what matters to the front and that is family time.

© all these cute illustrations are signed by sysmstudio


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