A reading list for the holiday mood

It’s a week of spring Holiday here, in Bucharest. So that means empty streets and enjoying our favorite places all for ourselves (I cannot help of wonder how life would be like if our city looked and felt like this every day). Easter passed by at a really slow pace. We dyed some eggs, we visited the grandparent, we had lunch in the garden and did not miss on the egg hunt, although it’s not exactly a Romanian tradition. This week continues in the same style. Early mornings in the park, a short stop at the market on our way back home for fresh vegetables, listening to Studio Gibli on repeat and testing our skills in making focaccia. Like a Sunday that lasts for a whole week. Slowing down, resting, making plans and being together without doing anything special. That’s the holiday mood for us. I had a reading list saved for this week and without even realizing, it all has such a summer feel: Marissa’s Paris Guide on April and May Hanna Briffa’s interview on Locals Lore
Anne’s beautiful journal of an Italian trip on asrosenvinge.com Skall letter no.10 with Anna Engstrøm Some sneak-peak articles from the latest discovered and recently issued magazine ArkJournal
Enjoy the spring sun!