Monthly favorites #1

This September I'll start sharing my four monthly favorites. Because I'm always passionate about a lot of things, always discovering treasures and looking forward to sharing them with the others. From unique pieces to wonderful stories, from small local brands to illustrators, from a secret supper to handmade timeless items, from books to independent magazines. In our praise of a slow life we started buying less but better. We now look for small brands, whose products are handcrafted and carefully selected, who tell a story or preserve a tradition. As creators we surround ourselves with things that inspire us. As entrepreneurs we know that buying from a small brand means supporting a dream. So here it goes, the September story: in a blink of an eye autumn arrived and although it's still warm you can feel that air has changed, the morning breeze is colder and days are shorter. The long hours at the beach will soon be replaced by cosy nights at home with comfort food and candle lights. Autumn is about hygge and nothing creates that feeling of coziness better then a scented candle, like Chesnut&clove from Lightwell Co. This season is also about...home. That feeling of intimacy and togetherness, all family snuggled in bed and covered in a warm blanket, with the window open to let the fresh air come in, hot drinks and a house full of pumpkin spice. We all love the moment when we put new clean sheets on the bed. The smell of our air fried sheets from I'm cotton you and climbing in bed while the sheets still feel a bit cold and fresh - our simple pleasure. And then there are the foggy mornings and the crispy air, the apple pies and weekends at the farmer market. Big socks and a nightshirt from Sabellar. There are some simple moments that instantly provoke a feeling of happiness. And this is one of them. The life-changing reads. This is a huge part of our lives. Books or independent magazines, we love them all and now our kid is an avid reader as well. And although we decided to declutter our home and keep it as simple as possible we cannot give away books or magazines. Also we are still the old fashioned folks who will never switch to kindle. My morning ritual always includes coffee and a magazine, and only when the time is short and the morning is busy, a podcast. I love beautiful, inspiring and well designed magazines and they will be a part of this monthly favorites for a long time. This is also the mission statement of In Clover magazine, that a quality printed magazine with meaningful content is a great asset in our lives, and that digitalization is good but there are some things that we should keep simple and significant. Like the things we read. I hope these series will inspire you and I would truly love to hear your thoughts on what I shared or if you have your own treasure finds.