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I'm Miky. Mom of a lovely boy and wife to a wonderful man. Coffee aficionado and slow living enthusiast. Lover of all things neutral, baker and traveler. Dreaming of a life in a small cottage by the sea, gardening and sharing home cooked meals with friends. Currently living in the city and looking for inspiring ideas for a healthy and close to nature lifestyle.   

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Sprouting radiance: food for the soul

The idea behind this blog is to share our adventures in seek of a simpler way of life, our search for wholehearted moments everyday. It's also a way of joining the slow lifestyle community, gathering readers or makers, mothers or aspiring essentialists, inviting all to share intentional living stories. Therefore I am very happy to start a contributor series on the Slow Living blog, because lately I made a lot of great friends sharing the same view on subjects that I care about, from family life to simple and slow living. So these series will introduce you to amazing people, that will share seasonal recipes, motherhood stories, tips for an ethical lifestyle and pretty much anything related to...slowness. It's an invitation to engagement (just like the monthly favorites series), to discover wonderful projects and connect with like minded people. And because taking time to cook a healthy meal and enjoy it with family and friends has become such an important part of the Slow movement, I am thrilled that the first contributor article is a recipe by Mary, the lovely cook behind Sprouting Radiance blog, an amazing mom and a dear friend that I met online, by sharing the same passion for seasonal cooking and healthy food. Check out her blog and Instagram page, to discover the recipe for the amazing dish that she developed for this post, as well as many others that will surely inspire your meal plan.


Hi everyone, I'm Mary from the blog Sprouting Radiance . I am a mother to a beautiful 2-year old boy and wife to my husband, Adam. I am American and he is French, and we are currently living as expats in Hamburg, Germany. I recently made the decision to change careers and start studying holistic nutrition. My blog articles and recipes reflect my future goals as a holistic nutritionist, shedding light on the mind and body connection. I believe that everyone, no matter their cooking, nutritional, or self love background, can begin to make positive lifestyle changes to create the life they want, given they have the correct tools! I hope to supply some of these tools through my blog and future career aspirations. Also, I say this as someone who at one point had absolutely NO idea what she was doing in the kitchen! As I started to cook more and more, it became one of my favorite ways for me to slow down, a form of relaxation or release from a hectic day. Sometimes I like to put on music or listen to a podcast I had bookmarked, but mostly I just enjoy the silence and the sounds from outside our window. Food is one of my favorite small pleasures. In France I would go to the market almost daily, supporting the local farmers but also taking in the smells, sights, and sounds of everything around me. Hosting dinner parties; sitting around a table with friends and families immersed in good conversation and laughter while enjoying a home-cooked meal. The recipe I'm sharing on my blog today is for a roasted beet pasta sauce with thyme. I absolutely love love love this sauce as its texture is so creamy, thanks to an unexpected ingredient! I also adore the taste and smell of thyme as it reminds me of my family's thyme (hee hee) in the south of France, where thyme grew all over the place. Just like in all of my other recipes, I share tips about cooking and nutrition related to this particular recipe. Thanks for checking out my blog, and thank you Miky for inviting me on here!   

Photos by Mary


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