Monthly favorites #3

It’s been a while since I shared my monthly favorites. Especially because the past months were filled with grey days and cold weather and they almost passed unnoticed, as we were all dreaming of this long awaited spring days. Everything is now back to life as we start enjoying more colorful surroundings. March was about bright and happy colors, like the dusky pinks of the blooming magnolias. Back to our long walks in the park, pressing flowers for the first time since my childhood when I used to do it as a school project. Dreaming of warm summer mornings at the market. Enjoying the longer days and making time for small pleasures, like reading a new magazine or visiting an art gallery. All of this inspired today’s collection of favorite links:

Have a magical spring!
* The moodboard was created/inspired by Lovely confetti. Featuring the gorgeous Elroy right armchair from and the beautiful artwork designed by Natalie Vargas