5 things to try this summer

Summer is such a long awaited season. As soon as winter makes room for the warmer spring days we start spending more time outisde and visit the farmers market daily for fresh produces. The during spring we make sure all our projects are up to date and our agendas are kept free during the summer months. Because that's when we stay outisde all day, enjoying every second of sun and warm air. When even the urban wilderness of our busy city seems to calm down. Less cars and more bikes, music everywhere and friends gatherings on the terrace until late at night. Iced coffees and the smell of fresh cut grass, enjoying the first peaches of the season and eating most of the dinners on the porch or in the park. Tired evenings and the joy of lying in the soft linen bed sheets with the window wide open.
Until recently we used to make a summer to-do list, but slowly and without knowing we started repeating the same activities every summer almost like a sacred ritual... picnics, weekend roadtrips, picking wild flowers and peaches in the countryside, summer festivals, early morning yoga and breakfast in the park and as many al fresco dinners as possible (always ending with grilled fruits & topped ice cream and chilled wine).
This year instead of a long bucket list I'm sharing 5 favorite things for the summer, all about slowing down and trying new things, making time for ourselves and soaking in all the care-free atmosphere of the long warm days. Maybe making room for some creativity, seeing it all with new eyes and clearing your mind.
1. Subscribe to the online Sisterhood camp, a lovely project started by Lou Archell and community where you can connect and learn new things, receive interesting articles in your inbox for your morning read and boost your creativity.

2. Beach picnic. This photo by Sanda Pagaimo (Little Upside Down Cake) says it all.

3. Invite your friends over for an al fresco dinner with homemade pasta. Emiko Davies shares some of my favorite recipes on the website.

Photo Emiko Davies for Moes & Griet
4. Print your holiday photos in a summer magazine style journal with Innocence Paris

5. Spend a weekend in a family farmhouse like Sigridsminde, a place that I've been wainting to share for a long time because it looks like the ideal slow living retreat.