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I'm Miky. Mom of a lovely boy and wife to a wonderful man. Coffee aficionado and slow living enthusiast. Lover of all things neutral, baker and traveler. Dreaming of a life in a small cottage by the sea, gardening and sharing home cooked meals with friends. Currently living in the city and looking for inspiring ideas for a healthy and close to nature lifestyle.   

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The calendar of good moments and a more conscious Advent

We started our Advent tradition only a few years ago and it has changed a bit with every December. The advent has always been something for the whole family, so not only with toys for Radu. That meant quite a lot of gifts to prepare, like wooden toys or pair of wool socks, a pocket notebook. And so on, anything that could fit a small box. There were all carefully chosen, no plastic toys and such, but still a lot of gifts and things that we don’t necessarily needed. Because as much as we all love these little surprises they are definitely something that we can live without. So in our process of shopping less and more conscious, of having a decluttered home and focusing on things that really matter, this year’s calendar is totally different. It’s also the first year when Radu really understands the idea and does not want to open all in one day. He is actually helping me put it up and that’s even more enjoyable. An Advent calendar of good moments is something that I first read about over Kat ’s website, Little kin journal . Later I found similar ideas shared other favorite blogs, like TELLKIDDO . And I am glad to see more and more people embracing the same idea of shopping less and turning the Advent into a celebration of good moments spent with loved ones rather then the joy brought for a short time by a little gift. The Calendar of good moments is made of 24 envelopes that we will open everyday until Christmas. Most of them include a little note with something special that we will do that day. And because I already know we will not be able to have a different activity everyday (because, unexpected colds and so on) some envelopes don’t have any note but instead they have a printed photo from this summer. In a special format (polaroid style and with a small text) that was made possible by the lovely Katerina from Babette Boutique . I was very happy that I could give a personal touch to these photos and Katerina makes such beautiful things, so she was the right person to ask help from. Since we don’t print photos so much these days, I am sure they will be a nice surprise for the boys. The activities that I included in the calendar are simple things that will be fun to do in the cold and dark winter evenings to come. Mostly wintery family activities like: homemade caramels from Marta’s recipe (I was looking forward to this one since I first saw the recipe last December) waffles with fresh fruits for breakfast make paper ornaments for the Christmas tree go to our favorite bakery for hot chocolate after kindergarten look for a new decoration for the Christmas tree at our favorite flea market visit a Christmas fair in our neighborhood (we don’t really like the big ones in the city center as they are not very authentic) meet our friends for breakfast in a cosy coffee shop go to the theater on a Sunday morning ice skating popcorn and Home Alone (the movie, of course) look for a Christmas tree decorate the tree and listen to our favorite Holiday playlist choose gifts together and wrap a nice box for the Shoe box campaign go to our favorite library after kindergarten and choose a new book (Holiday themed) a ceramic workshop for the whole family make Christmas cards for the grandparents bake Christmas cookies invite friends over for a mulled wine / Christmas tea night prepare a box of goodies for the carolers go to a Christmas concert try a homemade hazelnut hot chocolate recipe


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