A slow Sunday breakfast and some favorite reads

On Sundays the usual everyday activities tend to become more special. We set a nice breakfast table, we use our favorite ceramic plates, we carefully pack the snacks for a picnic, we walk to our favorite bakery for a special dessert and our home is invaded by the inviting smell of a home-cooked meal, whether we have friends over for lunch or not. There’s this thing about Sunday, as everything naturally slows down and although the sun sets at the same hour, just spending the day at leisurely pace recharges us for the week to come. We have our list of favorite recipes for the Sunday breakfast, some that require more time to prepare, but also ones that are very quick. They are just accompanied by some favorite books and magazines that are always on the kitchen table on a Sunday. So here’s to the comforting warmth of slow weekend morning, to favorite recipes and reads and to those little moments of calm that make these days so special. This weekend’s breakfast was a bowl of greek yogurt topped with fresh pears, honey and pistachio. And then because the mornings are still to cold for walk, we allowed ourselves some time to stay inside, each of us with his own books, magazines or movies. I had a lot of articles saved from the Journals of some favorite websites, so it was a good time to enjoy them: - the letters from Skall Studio - the portrait series from Toast - the Muses from Over the Ocean I also read (for the second time) the Copenhagen guide written by Freja Troelsen on her blog , dreaming of a trip in this beautiful city.